Thursday, 3 July 2008

Winners and Losers

After a disappointing 2007, the UK (albeit ably assisted by a certain Argentinian) gave a good showing at Cannes this year. We were, however, conspicuous by our absence in another European theatre in the month of June. Yes, Euro 2008 seemed to go off quite well without the involvement of any teams from our fair isle. Obviously, being the bad sports we all are, many of us paid little attention whilst the hills were alive with the sound of football in Austria and Switzerland - we had more important major sporting events to concentrate on in the month that traditionally comes halfway through the the World Nettle Eating Championships in Dorset. However, being professional types here at The Reel, we put our bitterness aside (that's what eating nettles will do to you) and congratulate Spain (they did beat the Germans after all) and not only applaud the great football they played to win the tournament, but also take a look at a couple of timely spots featuring hero of the final Fernando Torres.

Seeing yourself turn into something resembling Iron Man and taking down some serious mechanical bad guys with minimal effort can only do wonders for your confidence, and it seems that someone must have shown this stunning spot for Spanish TV channel Cuatro to Fernando Torres before last week's final, as he had arguably his best game and lifted a sublime winner over a hapless Jens Lehmann.

When the rather flash new silver ball made the grumpy former Arsenal goalkeeper's net billow, cheers went up across England (we don't really need an excuse to cheer a goal against Germany) but the noise must have been particularly loud in Liverpool (the red half anyway) as their 33 goal top scorer, and favourite of their adopted Spanish sons, was the goalscorer. Someone at Nike must have got a big pat on the back for their foresight, as Torres features in the most recent ad in the already award-winning 'Next Level' campaign. Lucky they didn't pick Wayne Rooney, we can just see it now...'smoking cigarettes and drinking pints is Next Level.'

No feature containing any reference to England, Germany, Spain, the European Championships and adverts would be complete without mentioning what happened in Euro '96 - England actually beat Spain, but (as usual) lost to Germany, in the semis; we didn't have a hero like Torres, we had Gareth Southgate, and he made an advert's come a long way!

NewsReel 04/07/08

As always, please send any news and press releases to and we'll do our best to include it here.

Not To Scale / Yellow House Paris in Entente Cordiale
London based animation studio Not To Scale has signed an exclusive dual representation deal with Yellow House Paris for them to represent the lion’s share of their UK roster in France. National TV, Coan & Zorn, Ubik, Chris Ketchell and other Not To Scale Directors will all now be available for work locally in Paris with immediate effect.

Not To Scale will also be able produce Yellow House’s eclectic roster in the UK, including the enigmatic DouDouBoy, and Laurent Bebin. DouDouBoy is a director, artist and musician who has secured cult status in France already with his brilliant personally hand built window installation for Galeries Lafayette. He recently achieved recognition farther afield when he gave a speech about his work to a packed auditorium at Pictoplasma’s recent animation festival in Berlin. Laurent Bebin’s Gondry-esque promo for Kaolin; ‘Pour Le Feu’ is a youthful masterclass in clever transitions and slick motion control.

Other Directors at Yellow House will also be available to Not To Scale on an ad-hoc basis and as individual briefs demand. Not To Scale founder Dan O’Rourke explains further, ‘ There’s a creative synergy between the two studios and between the two cities. I’ve long been searching for the right fit in France, and working with Yellow House is an opportunity for both our Directors and theirs to broaden showreels from a culturally different perspective’.

To see work by both DouDouBoy and Laurent Bebin go to:

The new ad arriving at platform 3 is...
NestlĂ©, Sky, Magners, Paramount, InBev and Dewynters have signed as the official launch partners of Cross-track Projection (XTP), CBS Outdoor’s revolutionary digital media opportunity on the London Underground – a world first in terms of its screen size and sophistication.

From this week giant cross-track screens (the equivalent of 14 ft TV screens) will beam soundless commercial content in full motion and HD quality at 23 sites at five of the busiest stations in the capital’s centre.

Piccadilly Circus, Bank, Liverpool Street, Euston and Bond Street have all been fitted with the hi-tech projectors and giant screens, each linked to a new digital advertising network enabling partners to remotely update their messages on a 120’ loop, at the touch of a button. The partnerships will run for a minimum of 6 weeks from 30th June.

Tim Bleakley, Managing Director Sales & Marketing of CBS Outdoor, commented, ‘The introduction of XTP is a landmark event for London media – I have no doubt in my mind that it is the single most significant media launch since Channel Five.

‘It’s the medium for the capital – cutting edge, capturing and captivating consumers and offering outstanding flexibility for advertisers. This launch has been three years in the making, working with best in class partners and consulting the industry every step of the way.’

Maybe Philips should have moved a bit quicker with their new revolutionary 3D screens then…

Great Guns and Bikini
Bikini are moving in with Great Guns at their Camden offices over the next few weeks. Bikini will be joining a group that already includes Great Guns, production company Bang and beauty specialist Lipstick.

Great Guns founder and Chairman Laura Gregory does not believe this could spell the end of Bikini’s unique brand, ‘Kate and Andy's (Morahan) team are a perfect fit for where we want to be at the moment - complementary skills but quite a unique offering’…It's going to be a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to it.’ This story immediately reminded us of a great scene from otherwise quite poor sequel 'Beverly Hills Cop 3' - now that's a lot of fun!

Somers Town wins award
Shane Meadows-directed Somers Town took top honours at the Edinburgh International Film Festival recently, receiving the Michael Powell Award for Best New British Feature Film. It’s a remarkable achievement for what is essentially a piece of branded content. (you may recall a feature on it in May)

Mother 's Head of TV Zoe Bell was joint-producer on the film and was delighted with the award, 'This is such an amazing piece of news. We are so excited that our first feature length work is being so widely enjoyed…It is truly a great example of collaboration at its best.’

The film will open across the UK on August 22.

More Troublemakers
Mato Atom and Dstrukt have been signed to Troublemakers. The UK and France based production company will represent Atom in the UK and Dstrukt in France. To view their work, click here.