As you are probably aware, the TV ad game is a pretty sophisticated beast these days. Viewers are expected to interact, follow intricate treasure hunts, recognise ongoing themes and narrative structures, press the red button and then at least go to the website. The days of viewers being expected to swallow piece-to-camera testimonials and comparison tests are long dead and buried, however there is one TV ad trend that has stood the test of time and still strides on healthily even now - the good old fashioned spoof.
From narratives, to generic conventions, famous movie scenes to other TVC’s – the spoof ad has targeted everything and conquered them all with a big fat tongue lodged in its cheek.
Even the mighty Superbowl wasn’t safe this year...
From narratives, to generic conventions, famous movie scenes to other TVC’s – the spoof ad has targeted everything and conquered them all with a big fat tongue lodged in its cheek.
Even the mighty Superbowl wasn’t safe this year...
In fact, it’s become apparent in the ad world that you haven’t really made a spectacular execution until it has been spoofed by someone else.
But it appears that it’s not just the big-player major league ads that are targeted by sarcastic creatives out there… In an act that echoes the big school bully having a pop at the quiet geek - the little league infomercial minnows are subjected to bigger brands having a pop at their hopelessness.
But lucky for you guys, we have been spending a lot of time with part-time comedian Jimmy Carr, and a bunch of channel 4 Z-list celebs (take a bow Alex Zane) recounting our favorite ad-spoofs. This inspired us to put together our top ten spoof-classics from the Reel Vaults – click here to enjoy.
(And what’s even better, the list is without any of the pointless celebrity “insight” and them talking about why it made them laugh. Or not.)